A story of new dimensions...
Once upon a time...
In a small cottage, a beautiful woman was taking a bubble bath.
Kay Delfuun sat content, enjoying the bubbles. Some had gone up her nose and she giggled. Her joy included more than bubbles...the thought of someone else emitted a soft moan of pleasure in her mind.
Kay toweled down, pushed elegant feet into slippers, and climbed the stairs to the bedroom. The covers were turned down. She let the towel drop and reached for the black niglege HE had bought her...a daring feat... but she loved it...and him all the more for it.
She felt clean and fresh as she slid into the bed.
Kay hit the light switch and was soon in a world of loving dreams.
The oven's back panel was pushed open with a slight bump...
A tiny head poked out and called for the others...
Now all the rest of the Tiny family joined Tom...all 6 inches of him. Tilli, his wife shivered, declaring, 'Good job she hasn't fixed this oven yet'
'Yes, not sure where we would go and it's so peaceful... even that huge tiger can't get to us '
'But mum, she was talking to that magic machine in her hand and mentioned another tiger coming to our home', said daughter Toni.
Tim, the youngest piped in...I will protect you all...as he tucked the large stake he had taken from the toothpick bowl, into his belt.
We are on a scavenge...Tom reminded his family
The Tiny family made their way to the stairs and began the arduous task of the climb.
An hour later they all fell exhausted on the landing.
After a 5 min rest, they made their way to the darkened room...there was a sigh from the beautiful Kay who had now taken off the neglige and was lying on her back...it was a warm June night.
Tom led the way, climbing the bedclothes to reach the woman's head.
They all stood near her face and were silent in awe of her beauty
We need some of her blankets for carpets...And so they began the task of unraveling thread from the blanket.
Tom carried it over the swell of Kay's breasts and he admired them as she breathed, seeing them rise and fall. He looked at Tilli who had daggers for him.
They were making good haste when Tim climbed up on Kay's thigh to fetch some more cotton when suddenly he disappeared over the other side
Kay gurgled in a pleasurable dream and turned to one side.
Tim ran away, crying
Toni told him to keep smiling and to never go near that dangerous place again.
Later Tom told everyone to pack up and they made the long journey back to the oven and home.
As the sun climbed, Kay rose from her slumber. She stretched and giggled at a thought.
Kay moved away from the bed to open the curtains...she turned back to the bed and her jaw dropped
Her blanket was lying in shreds...As she got closer, she noticed something.
It looked like...no it can't be... but yes it was a TOOTHPICK